Tobias von Wolffersdorff
Pilot & customer advisor
Landline number:
+49 (0)9181 522 99 60
Competent - Secure - Professional
Invite your customers or business partners to a helicopter ride - your customers will never forget this meeting!
Create yourself space in your agenda. We make your business flight best and take you comfortably and instantly to your appointment. Whether domestic or abroad, we will make you an offer.
Free Hotline:
0800 0700 130
- Request for Quotation
Tobias von Wolffersdorff
Pilot & customer advisor
Landline number:
+49 (0)9181 522 99 60
Pay safe and simple
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Mon-Fri: 8–12 a.m. and 1–5 p.m.
** Actual costs depend on your communication provider for calls to the german landline.
Contact & Information